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The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible: A Comprehensive System for Attacking the Logical Reasoning Section of the LSAT

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Author: David M. Killoran

Binding: Paperback

ISBN: 9780972129619


Author: David M. Killoran

Brand: Brand: PowerScore

Edition: Notations, Ink Stamp on Fep


  • Used Book in Good Condition

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 541

Release Date: 01-06-2006

EAN: 9780972129619

Package Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.4 x 1.1 inches

Languages: English


Preparing to take the LSAT in 2011 or 2012? The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible is the most comprehensive book available for the Logic Reasoning section of the LSAT. This book will provide you with an advanced system for attacking any Logical Reasoning question that you may encounter on the LSAT. The concepts presented in the Logical Reasoning Bible are representative of the techniques covered in PowerScore's live courses and have been consistently proven effective preparation for thousands of our students. The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible features and explains a detailed methodology for attacking all aspects of Logic Reasoning problems, including recognizing question types, identifying common reasoning elements and determining their validity, the methods for efficiently and accurately making inferences, and techniques for quickly eliminating answer choices as you solve the questions. Entire chapters are devoted to every currently-tested question type, to section strategy and time management, and to even the most challenging reasoning concepts presented, such Formal Logic, Conditional Reasoning, and Causality. In addition, the Logical Reasoning Bible features over 100 real LSAT Logical Reasoning questions that are used to illustrate and reinforce our techniques. The two Logical Reasoning sections on the LSAT represent approximately 50% of your final score and are frequently considered to be the most challenging aspect of the test. However, once you understand how to efficiently approach each question type and deconstruct the reasoning presented, the solution to each question can be quickly discovered. Through step-by-step analysis of every reasoning idea that you will encounter, detailed explanations for every answer choice, and extensive drills to enforce every major concept, this book with teach you how to correctly solve even the most complicated Logical Reasoning problems. The LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible is also supplemented by a unique website that provides additional materials to complement the book and answer frequently asked questions. PowerScore also specializes in offering comprehensive LSAT, GMAT, GRE and SAT preparation classes in over 150 locations in the U.S. and abroad. For more information about PowerScore publications or PowerScore's services, please contact PowerScore at (800) 545-1750.

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