Remarkable Sentence by sentence, Goldman brings to life a city that is bewitching, terrifying, beautiful .Goldman brings something new to the [chronicle] form.”John Freeman, Boston Globe The Interior Circuit is Sue Kaufman prize-winner Francisco Goldman’s brilliant chronicle of his emergence from grief five years after his beloved wife’s death, symbolized by his attempt to overcome his fear of driving in Mexico City (the DF). When organized crime erupts in the city in an unprecedented way during the summer of 2013, Goldman sets out to try to understand the menacing challenges the DF now faces. By turns exuberant, poetic, reportorial, philosophical, and urgent, The Interior Circuit fuses a personal journey to a searing account of one of the world’s most remarkable and often misunderstood great cities. An indispensable contribution to the growing body of artistic representations of Mexico’s most recent years of darkness...there is an urgent, raw beauty in [Goldman’s] prose.”Rubén Martínez, Los Angeles Review of Books
The Interior Circuit: A Mexico City Chronicle
Author: Goldman, Francisco
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780802123770
Author: Goldman, Francisco
Brand: Grove Press
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 352
Release Date: 28-07-2015
Package Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 1.1 inches Languages: English