Imprisoned in a remote Turkish POW camp during the First World War, two British officers, Harry Jones and Cedric Hill, cunningly join forces. To stave off boredom, Jones makes a handmade Ouija board and holds fake séances for fellow prisoners. One day, an Ottoman official approaches him with a query: could Jones contact the spirits to find a vast treasure rumoured to be buried nearby? Jones, a lawyer, and Hill, a magician, use the Ouija board - and their keen understanding of the psychology of deception-to build a trap for their captors that will lead them to freedom. The Confidence Men is a nonfiction thriller featuring strategy, mortal danger and even high farce - and chronicles a profound but unlikely friendship.
The Confidence Men: How Two Prisoners of War Engineered the Most Remarkable Escape in History
Author: Fox, Margalit
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781788162715
Author: Fox, Margalit
Edition: Main
Binding: Hardcover
Release Date: 03-06-2021
Package Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.7 x 1.3 inches Languages: English