Get yourself a copy of one of the best kettlebell workout books today. 40+ serious kettlebell workouts, 4 kettlebell challenges, many are paired with very detailed videos. Beginners to advanced kettlebell workouts. Includes finer details on many of the kettlebell exercises. Quality emphasis on warming-up and mobility. Full details on the popular Thorax Workout are included in this book. Great for those who love a straightforward and very clear writing style. Additional ideas on how to make your WODs even more popular and exciting Learn how to adapt the workouts to fit your own specific fitness needs. Additional little tips and information for personal trainers. A great starting point with adaptable and challenging kettlebell workouts. How to score AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) workouts explained. Well-explained workouts with a large variety to choose from. “These are not shoddy quick workouts put together for a book, I've performed each and every workout listed in this book, and so have thousands of others.” —Taco Fleur If you want to feel confident in your clothes, strong, exhilarated, powerful, healthy, and more... Buy the book today. You’ll have a hard time trying to find another book that is so full of workouts that increase your functional strength, core strength, mental toughness, teaches new skills, makes you feel awesome, helps you lean up, drop body fat, and allows you to work out at home, from the gym, the park, or other outdoor environments. Intense kettlebell workouts These are those workouts that leave you gasping for air and laying on the ground in a puddle of sweat at the end. Mobility kettlebell workouts Often neglected, but one of the most important areas to include in your training is to stay injury-free and injury-proof yourself. Short kettlebell workouts Just get in, get the work done, get out and know that you’ve done the best you could have done within the given time frame. Endurance kettlebell workouts Test your mental toughness, your muscle endurance, your cardiovascular endurance and much more with these longer-than-normal workouts. Strength kettlebell workouts Slow and focused workouts that are designed for strength and make you lean, but are not going to make you look like a bodybuilder. Full-body kettlebell workouts Recruit every muscle in your body, work muscles you didn’t know you had, and feel like you really achieved something at the end. BONUS: Downloadable workout PDF that can be printed and taken to the gym Downloadable kettlebell grip PDF that will improve your kettlebell training instantly Downloadable PDF that will improve your racking for resting and endurance Information for trainers on how to run your own Caveman Circuit, and Boot Camp "As a brown belt in BJJ on the doorstep of 50, I have been using KB’s for years to stay fit, build strength and enhance cardio. I am always looking for good content that provides a range of routines in time and complexity. In Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges by Taco Fleur, I found it. This book has everything from a 6-minute workout for beginners to very advanced routines I have a long way to build to. Good stuff." —Jim McCall Note that there is a Kindle, a paperback (this one), a hardcover, and a PDF version. The only colored copies are the Kindle, hardcover, and PDF. The PDF is available from our website at which also has the advantage of clickable bookmarks so you can jump to sections within the digital copy itself. The PDF can be shared amongst all your devices.

Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 1.0: For the at-home kettlebell enthusiasts, MMA and BJJ fighters, and crossfitters that use their open box time for kettlebell WODs
Author: Fleur, Taco
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781980575856
Author: Fleur, Taco
Brand: Independently Published
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 445
Release Date: 16-03-2018
Package Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.0 x 1.1 inches Languages: English