FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Edward and Edwina are the proud parents of ten little emu eggs. ""Don't get depressed. I'll find a job, you stay on the nest,"" says Edwina to her stunned mate. And so Edwina sets out to find a job in this lighthearted offering from down under.

Edwina the Emu (Prebound) (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)
Author: Knowles, Sheena
Binding: Other
ISBN: 9780613065603
Author: Knowles, Sheena
Brand: Econo-Clad Books, Div. of American Cos., Inc.
Edition: Bound for Schools & Libraries ed.
Binding: School & Library Binding
Number Of Pages: 32
Release Date: 25-04-1997
Part Number: colour illustrations
Package Dimensions: 10.2 x 9.6 x 0.4 inches Languages: English