When debts pile up, it can be impossible to see a way out. And in the meantime, the consequences pile up. Let the sensible strategies in Credit Repair help you take control, clean up your credit report, and live debt-free. assess your debt situation correct errors and improve your credit report and score choose the best repair strategy for your situation prioritize your debts negotiate with creditors to reduce debts add positive information to your credit report avoid identity theft and credit scams build a solid credit history This edition of Credit Repair is completely updated with the latest legal developments, and includes dozens of forms and letters that will help you spruce up your credit report as easily as possible!
Credit Repair: Make a Plan, Improve Your Credit, Avoid Scams
Author: Leonard J.D., Robin
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781413321548
Author: Leonard J.D., Robin
Edition: Twelfth
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 464
Release Date: 30-06-2015
Package Dimensions: 8.9 x 7.0 x 1.0 inches Languages: English