Bad credit can get better A bad credit report can prevent you from getting a mortgage, car loan, credit card, apartment or even a job. The sensible strategies in Credit Repair help you take control of your finances, clean up your credit report and rebuild your credit. Learn how to: prioritize debts and create a budget reduce debts and cut expenses negotiate with creditors correct credit report errors and remove old information add positive information to your credit report adopt strategies to rebuild your credit, and avoid identity theft and credit repair scams. Updates to the 13th edition of Credit Repair include the latest student loan repayment programs, new credit-building strategies, changes to the credit scoring of tax liens, medical debt, and civil judgments, identity theft reporting developments, and more.

Credit Repair: Make a Plan, Improve Your Credit, Avoid Scams
Author: Loftsgordon Attorney, Amy
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781413324280
Author: Loftsgordon Attorney, Amy
Brand: NOLO
Edition: Thirteenth
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 464
Release Date: 30-10-2017
Package Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.9 x 1.1 inches Languages: English