The Inspiring Angel Art of Michael Van Vlymen. Angel art - This small (8.5 x 8.5) coffee table picture book contains over 40 pieces of original artwork on angels.Created to convey a more accurate presentation of God's angels, this book will not only inspire you but also makes a great gift for any occasion. "I created these original pieces of angel art because when I needed to find images of angels for presentations, I found precious few that I could actually use. My knowledge of angels and thier demeanor and appearance compelled me to create images that carried a sense of God's presence and glory. Angels are kind yet powerful, they are faithful and fearless, they are noble and self-sacrificing, they are often overwhelming in their presence yet have a compassion and grace about them. They reflect the attributes of God. They carry His glory as they are always in His presence. It was my desire to create a representation of angels that appeared like that description. I hope that these works inspire you to think about the fact that God's angels are always with us" - Michael
Angels: The Angel Art of Michael Van Vlymen
Author: Van Vlymen, Michael
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781948680158
Author: Van Vlymen, Michael
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 94
Release Date: 29-04-2021
Package Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches Languages: english