"AmericanOZ Pulls Back the Curtain on Carnival Life to Show Us Ourselves." -- WindyCityReviews/BookTrib American OZ is a rollicking, gritty,adventurous story of life in the secretive subculture of traveling carnivals. You'll never see your state fair or street festival the same way again. Comerfordwrites a bold, inspiring true story of a year working behind the scenes with thecolorful characters and legends of carnivals. Heshares stories of freaks, a carnival pimp, and the last King of the Sideshows. A dunk tank insult-clown is shot. Masked gunmenrob his carnival. And a young showman friend dies a shocking death on the road. It's a new classic American road story as he hitchhikes to shows in California, NewJersey, New York, Chicago, Alaska, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, andFlorida where he works in a freak show. Hebecomes the #1 hitchhiker in the USA and a top agent at the State Fair of Texas. Hetravels to the dangerous foothills of Mexico to see the new face of the American carny. He exposes thetruths about seasonal work, labor abuse, and living between two worlds. Peopleseek love and meaning in their lives on the road. Comerford finds we're allconnected in more ways than we know. "Brilliant... Deep Observations About Life!" -- Chicago Tribune.
American OZ: An Astonishing Year Inside Traveling Carnivals at State Fairs & Festivals
Author: Comerford, Michael Sean
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781952693052
Author: Comerford, Michael Sean
Brand: Comerford Publishing LLC
Binding: Hardcover
Number Of Pages: 338
Release Date: 30-10-2020
Package Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 0.8 inches Languages: English