Ten years ago, Whisky Classified revolutionized our appreciation of single malt whisky. David Wishart cut through the confusing jargon often used to describe single malts and replaced it with an objective and easily applied guide to taste using a new flavour profile. Twelve dimensions to the aroma and taste of a single malt whisky were identified: body, sweetness, smoky, medicinal, tobacco, honey, spicy, winey, nutty, malty, fruity, floral. Single malt whisky is the fastest expanding sector of the booming whisky market. In this revised and updated anniversary edition, Dr Wishart has included all the new UK and Irish producers of single malt whisky that have emerged in the last 10 years. The author has also updated the taste profiles for each selected malt and reviewed previous entries to ensure that this book remains the definitive guide to tasting malt whisky. Each entry includes a short description of the distillery, information for visitors, the author's own tasting notes and his flavour profiles according to this innovative classification. The history of whisky-making and production methods are clearly explained, and Dr Wishart also reveals how to organize a whisky tasting. Whisky Classified is for all whisky drinkers, from the novice to the connoisseur.
Whisky Classified: Choosing Single Malts by Flavour
Author: Wishart, David
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781862059139
Author: Wishart, David
Brand: Pavilion
Color: Black
Edition: Tenth Edition, 10th edition
Binding: Hardcover
Number Of Pages: 272
Release Date: 01-02-2012
Part Number: 33626462
Package Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.4 x 1.1 inches Languages: English