“More ambitious than The Alchemist. A thought-provoking tale.” – TIME magazine In The Fifth Mountain, Paulo Coelho takes us back to the ninth century, to the turbulent Middle East, where the prophet Elijah is struggling to keep his faith alive in a world of constant upheaval, tyrannical royalty, and pagan gods. Elijah’s story is a lesson in persistence, an exercise in hope, and a journey you will never forget. Inspired by a circumstance that forever altered Coelho’s own life, The Fifth Mountain is a testament to the truth that tragedy in life should not be considered a punishment, but a challenge of the spirit. Gripping in its narrative and graceful in its prose, The Fifth Mountain teaches and inspires like no other novel. This is a timeless story for the ages, a tale of the past that resonates powerfully today.
The Fifth Mountain: A Novel
Author: Coelho, Paulo
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780061729256
Author: Coelho, Paulo
Brand: HarperOne
Edition: Reprint
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 288
Release Date: 03-08-2021
Package Dimensions: 8.0 x 5.3 x 0.8 inches Languages: English