In the epic series finale of New York Times Best-Selling series, The Kingdom Keepers, an ultimate challenge takes the Keepers to the West Coast to battle the Overtakers at the Disneyland and at the Walt Disney Studios The Kingdom Keepers’ senior year in high school is almost over. For more than three years, things have been quiet. Their battles are long behind them, they agree, the threat to the Disney realm silenced–albeit at great cost. But inside the catacombs of the Aztec temple where Finn Whitman faced down his nemesis, the monstrous Chernabog, a new threat brews. Deception and betrayal rock the Kingdom Keepers as the merciless group of Disney villains known as the Overtakers stage an unexpected comeback. But a discovery by the Keepers provides them with one hope of victory―a lost icon. It was believed to be gone forever. The Keepers have one last chance to preserve the heart of the Kingdom―Disneyland―from a terrifying destruction decades in the making. Read the entire Kingdom Keepers series from award wining author, Ridley Pearson! Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark (book 1) Kingdom Keepers: Disney at Dawn (book 2) Kingdom Keepers: Disney in Shadow (book3) Kingdom Keepers: Power Play (book 4) Kingdom Keepers: Shell Game (book 5) Kingdom Keepers: Dark Passage (book 6) Kingdom Keepers: The Insider (book 7)
Kingdom Keepers VII (Kingdom Keepers, Book VII): The Insider (Kingdom Keepers, 7)
Author: Pearson, Ridley
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781423165248
Author: Pearson, Ridley
Brand: Disney-Hyperion
Edition: Reprint
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 640
Release Date: 31-03-2015
Part Number: 9781423165248
Package Dimensions: 8.0 x 5.0 x 2.0 inches Languages: English