A tale of adventures, as two young dreamers continue their voyaging on board their self-built 24'4" cutter. They cross the exotic sea that spawned Homer's tales of Ulysses' Odyssey, then sail through the strife torn Red Sea and across the typhoon tossed waters of the Bay of Bengal.In this book, fourth of the Seraffyn series, the Pardeys have reached a turning point in their lives-halfway around the world, eight years into a meandering voyage. Their routes had always been determined by the need to find the work to support their cruising life-style or the desire to see an island spoken of by some favorite writer. Now they have to decide whether to continue eastward, or turn back westward and complete the circle with a return to the place they once called home.
Seraffyn's Oriental Adventure
Author: Pardey, Lin
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780964603639
Author: Pardey, Lin
Brand: Pardey Books
Color: Other
Edition: Reprint
- Used Book in Good Condition
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 256
Release Date: 01-01-2010
Part Number: illustrations
Package Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches Languages: English