Reviews of previous edition: An excellent definitive book... something you must read if you are going to build a woodstrip canoe. -- Canoeist If you want to build a strip-plank canoe or kayak, Canoecraft is the book to buy... A very comprehensive boatbuilding book and highly recommended. -- Water Craft A Woodworking Magazine Top 40 Book Now revised and expanded with 32 pages of color and an updated resources section, this 70,000-copy international bestseller, known as the 'Bible of canoe building' is back, bigger and better than ever. Ted Moores is a master builder of woodstrip/epoxy canoes. Over four decades teaching wooden-boat construction, he discovered that the same dream motivates all of his students, no matter their age: to build something beautiful and functional. Canoecraft is the road map to that dream. Moores offers comprehensive instructions for the first-time builder, and for the second-time builder. He adds a variety of canoe plans, each presented as a traditional table of offsets. There is also a series of builder's tips and techniques, and an entire chapter on carving a paddle, the perfect accompaniment to a handcrafted canoe. Whether the goal is to build a general-purpose recreational canoe, or an efficient modern tripping canoe, or a full-decked fast-cruising canoe with walnut veneer, Canoecraft is the ideal guide to making it happen successfully.
Canoecraft: An Illustrated Guide to Fine Woodstrip Construction
Author: Moores, Ted
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781552093429
Author: Moores, Ted
Brand: Firefly Books
Edition: Revised & enlarged
- Used Book in Good Condition
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 240
Release Date: 15-11-2007
Part Number: 202 b&w photographs, 90 line drawings
Package Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.1 x 0.7 inches Languages: English