Review It's an erudite tome that's referenced by many climbers, in all reverence and seriousness, as the 'bible'. -- Albuquerque Journal The bible for anyone who spends any time in the mountains. I recommend reading it cover to cover. -- Hooked on the Outdoors [T]he book to read if you plan to venture out to the high places people go because they're there. -- Los Angeles Daily News Product Description The latest edition of the classic guide to mountaineering describes fundamental climbing skills; discusses rock, snow, and ice climbing techniques; recommends clothing and equipment; gives advice on safety and first aid; and includes a new section on waterfall ice and mixed climbing. Simultaneous. From the Publisher Since publication of the first edition in 1961, Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills has endured as the classic mountaineering text. Novice climbers use it as a primer; veterans use it to review their skills. Translated into five languages, it has instructed and inspired more than half a million climbers from all over the world. The fully updated seventh edition maintains the same high standard for complete, authoritative instruction in an easy-to-use format. About the Author THE MOUNTAINEERS CLUB, based in Seattle, Washington, was founded in 1906. It is now the third largest outdoor recreation club of its kind in the United States, with nearly 15,000 members. The Mountaineers sponsors both classes and year-round outdoor activities, which include hiking, climbing, ski touring, snowshoeing, kayaking, canoeing, and more. The more than 40 contributors to Freedom 7 are all active members who regularly use and teach the skills about which they write.
Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills
Author: The Mountaineers
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780898868289
Author: The Mountaineers
Brand: Brand: Mountaineers Books
Color: Paperbound
Edition: 7
- Used Book in Good Condition
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 575
Release Date: 01-12-2003
Part Number: 490409
Package Dimensions: 8.8 x 7.3 x 1.5 inches Languages: English