A thrilling sequel to the popular and well-received The Hyperion Legacy. Assistant trainer and jump jockey Danny Rawlings is on the brink of financial ruin after taking a punt on buying his pride and joy Silver Belle, a tiny mare who's underachieved in the hands of struggling trainer and boss Roger Crane. After Danny is left badly beaten and shaken by a stranger outside his apartment, he learns that, one by one, jockeys that rode in a low-key race at Kempton years back are being murdered. And his name is next on the list. In the most important race of his life, with everything at stake, Danny sets about unearthing the shocking secret behind the deaths: The Rule of Lazari. A chain of mysterious events builds to a breathtaking climax at the Cheltenham Festival, where Danny gives his all to right the wrongs of the past, clear his financial woes and help set up a brighter future with wife Sara.
The Rule of Lazari (Danny Rawlings Mysteries Book 2)
Author: Osborne, Ben
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781517572020
Author: Osborne, Ben
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 226
Release Date: 29-09-2015
Package Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches Languages: English