From somewhere out in the vast whiteness of the blizzard we hear a cry for help. Instinctively the three of us turn and head across the mountainside. We find two men and a woman, huddled together in the snow, unable to descend the steep icy slope between them and safety. The woman asks if we are experienced in conditions like this. My friends and I have tackled a few winter hills in the Lake District and bumbled up easy rock climbs, but we have never been in a full Scottish winter snowstorm. I laugh and assure her that this is nothing to mountaineers like us. Soon our hills will be empty and one day the last hillwalker will disappear over the horizon. In the 21st century we are losing our connection with the wild, a connection that may never be regained. The Last Hillwalker by bestselling author John D. Burns is a personal story of falling in and out of love with the hills. More than that, it is about rediscovering a deeply felt need in all of us to connect with wild places.

The Last Hillwalker: A sideways look at forty years in Britain's mountains
Author: Burns, John D.
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781912560455
Author: Burns, John D.
Brand: Vertebrate Publishing
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 320
Release Date: 05-09-2019
Package Dimensions: 7.7 x 5.1 x 1.5 inches Languages: English