"It takes thousands of hours of sailing to get the kind of knowledge contained in this book." -- from the Foreword by Bruce Schwab The ONLY bible for how to sail your boat fast, safe, and alone Solo sailing is within any sailor's grasp with a little forethought--and this essential guide. Got a 35-foot sailboat? No problem. Is the wind blowing 20 knots? No problem. Are you racing offshore overnight? Even better. Singlehander Andrew Evans learned the hard way how to sail and race alone--with lots of mishaps, including broaches and a near tumbling over a waterfall--and in Singlehanded Sailing he shares the techniques, tips, and tactics he has developed to make his solo sailing adventures safe and enriching. Learn everything you need to know to meet any solo challenge, including: Managing the power consumption aboard a boat to feed the electric autopilot Setting and gybing a spinnaker Finding time to sleep Dealing with heavy weather

Singlehanded Sailing: Thoughts, Tips, Techniques & Tactics
Author: Evans, Andrew
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780071836531
Author: Evans, Andrew
Brand: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 256
Release Date: 16-10-2014
Part Number: Illustrated
Package Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.4 x 0.9 inches Languages: English