When nomad artist and free spirit Dan Price began jotting down his musings in the form of whimsical drawings and inspired prose, he hardly could have imagined that his self-published journal-zine, the MOONLIGHT CHRONICLES, would earn him a cult following across the country. Now in its twentieth edition, the MOONLIGHT CHRONICLES has brought Dan's creed of "truth, beauty, and really big sabbaticals from the convention of life" to thousands across the countryWith such a following, Dan figured it was time to collect his offbeat observations into book form in hopes of inspiring other would-be journal writers to take pen, camera, and brush in hand. As Dan is fond of noting "Seems there's tons of empty journal books, but not too many on how to fill 'em up!" In HOW TO MAKE A JOURNAL, Dan answers the call, teaching readers how to tap into those pent-up creative juices and collect their life experiences on paper.
How to Make a Journal of Your Life
Author: Price, Dan
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781580080934
Author: Price, Dan
Brand: Ten Speed Press
Color: White
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 128
Release Date: 01-09-1999
Package Dimensions: 6.1 x 4.7 x 0.3 inches Languages: English