The fourth installment of the best-selling Cherry Blossom Girls series has everything you've come to expect from the series: hot mutants, ridiculous action, meta fiction galore, new powers and new supers!Cherry Blossom Boy...Sounds dumb, right? But then again, this whole story has definitely come out of left field, and that was before the media got involved.If you guessed I’d be painted as a terrorist, framed by my own government, and my newfound infamy would lead to even more books sold and more enemies made, you’d be right. With my novels flying off the shelves, my story spreading across America, and the Cherry Blossom Girls finally working as a team, I should have been pretty much set. And I would be happily living my life if it weren’t for the fact that we were being hunted, threatened at every turn we make.But I got an angle this time, something that should level the playing field.All I can say is that it’s been a long time coming...Warning: Cherry Blossom Girls 4 contains a harem; gamelit LitRPG humor/stats; violence; telepathic, shifter, teleportation, mimic, vector and vampiric superpowers used for auto theft, mind games, and the exploitation of the general public. This series was inspired by The Tick, Stranger Things, Deadpool, Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions, and the anime Elfen Lied. It's meta fiction at points, but you should know that by now. It also has a fair bit of humor and insight aimed at the gamelit community.
Cherry Blossom Girls 4: A Superhero Adventure
Author: Cooper, Harmon
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781730889417
Author: Cooper, Harmon
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 505
Release Date: 05-11-2018
Package Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.0 x 1.3 inches Languages: English