Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Steven Barnes: this powerhouse trio of science fiction greats unites to further explore the island paradise of Camelot from their classic novel, Legacy of Herorot. A new generation is growing up on the island paradise of Camelot, ignorant of the Great Grendel Wars fought when their parents and grandparents first arrived on Earth. Setting out for the mainland, this group of young rebels feels ready to fight any grendels that get in their way. On Avalon, however, there are monsters which dwarf the ones their parents fought, and as the group will soon learn, monsters also dwell in the human heart.
Beowulf's Children
Author: Niven, Larry
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780765320889
Author: Niven, Larry
Brand: Tor Books
Edition: Original
Binding: Paperback
Format: Illustrated
Number Of Pages: 384
Release Date: 04-08-2009
Part Number: Illustrated
Package Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.1 x 1.1 inches Languages: English