The Pleiadians, a collective of multidimensional beings from the Pleiades star system, have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since 1988. Sharing new inspirations from over eight years of previously unpublished Pleiadian wisdom, Marciniak offers creative solutions for changing beliefs, reclaiming one's power, and creating a world of unlimited possibilities. She also presents critical new material on how to deal with the world's increasing chaos and the accelerated pace of life. Consisting of profound new insights on power, fear, love, desire, health, sexual intimacy, energy, and creativity, this timely text is for those ready and willing to embrace self-empowerment, seek the truth, broaden awareness, and meet the challenges of a world on the brink of major change.
Path of Empowerment: New Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos
Author: Marciniak, Barbara
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781930722415
Author: Marciniak, Barbara
Brand: New World Library
Edition: 12.6.2004
- Used Book in Good Condition
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 256
Release Date: 17-11-2004
Package Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.9 inches Languages: English