40 Things is intended to provide parents with a concise and powerful resource to help educate and inform their children (kindergarten to young adult teens and even college age young adults) on a number of what I as a father consider to be the most important spiritual/biblical truths on a number of vital topics, (i.e., life, marriage, truth, the law, the purpose of government, and salvation.) 40 Things is primarily intended to combat/refute the predominant and most popular teachings and philosophies of secular humanism, post-modernism, moral relativism and universalism so pervasive today in our society (sadly even in many Christian circles) and to empower/encourage the next generation to think and act biblically. I am also hoping that the same parents who purchase the book for their kids will also purchase it for any unsaved, skeptical or backslidden family/friends to lead them to the truth of the Gospel. The book has already received rave reviews and endorsements from many Christian leaders and public figures such as Ray Comfort (who wrote the Foreword), R.C. Sproul Jr., Dr. Michael Milton, E. Ray Moore, Dr. Ted Baehr, Steve Deace, and J.C. Watts.
40 Things To Teach Your Children Before You Die: The Simple American Truths About Life, Family & Faith
Author: Jackson, Gregg
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 884556989763
Author: Jackson, Gregg
Brand: Dunham Books
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 108
Release Date: 16-09-2014
Package Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.4 x 0.3 inches Languages: english