As seen on "20/20"! In this poignant and heartwarming narrative, renowned genealogist Pamela Slaton tells the most striking stories from her incredibly successful career of reconnecting adoptees with long-lost birth parents After a traumatic reunion with her own birth mother, Pamela Slaton realized two things: That she wanted to help other adoptees have happier reunions with their birth families, and that she had the unique skill to do so – a strong ability to find what others could not. Reunited shares the riveting stories of some of Pam's most powerful cases from her long career as an investigative genealogist, and the lessons learned along the way. From the identical twins separated at birth, unknowingly part of a secret study on development, to the man who finally met his birth mother just in the nick of time, Reunited is a collection of these unforgettable moments, told by the woman who orchestrated and witnessed them first-hand. Both heartbreaking and inspiring, they will move anyone who knows the true life-affirming power of family.
Author: Slaton, Pamela
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780312617325
Author: Slaton, Pamela
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 270
Release Date: 08-05-2012
Package Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.4 x 0.6 inches Languages: English