The classic account of the social, economic, and political dynamics of the first socialist revolution as told by one of its central leaders. Trotsky describes how, under Lenin s leadership, the Bolshevik Party led the working class, peasantry, and oppressed nationalities to overturn the monarchist regime of the landlords and capitalists and bring to power a government of the workers and peasants one that set an example for toilers the world over. Nowhere are those world-shattering events explained with more clarity and insight than in this powerful account. Unabridged edition, 3 vols. in one.

History of the Russian Revolution
Author: Leon Trotsky
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780873488297
Author: Leon Trotsky
Brand: Pathfinder
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 1564
Release Date: 01-06-1980
Part Number: index
Package Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.6 x 3.7 inches Languages: English, Russian