Naofumi Iwatani, an uncharismatic Otaku who spends his days on games and manga, suddenly finds himself summoned to a parallel universe! He discovers he is one of four heroes equipped with legendary weapons and tasked with saving the world from its prophesied destruction. As the Shield Hero, the weakest of the heroes, all is not as it seems. Naofumi is soon alone, penniless, and betrayed. With no one to turn to, and nowhere to run, he is left with only his shield. Now, Naofumi must rise to become the legendary Shield Hero and save the world!
The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01 (The Rising of the Shield Hero Series: Light Novel)
Author: Yusagi, Aneko
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781935548720
Author: Yusagi, Aneko
Brand: One Peace Books
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 300
Release Date: 15-09-2015
Part Number: 23089854
Package Dimensions: 7.0 x 4.9 x 1.1 inches Languages: English