Jumpstart your GMAT exam preparations with the official study guide, featuring real GMAT questions—and their answers— written by the creators of the test. In addition to more than 900 questions, the 13th Edition features: A new online study companion with 50 Integrated Reasoning questions and answer explanations* An Integrated Reasoning chapter with details about the new GMAT exam section A 100-question diagnostic exam to help focus your test preparation efforts Grammar review covering concepts tested on the GMAT Verbal section Comprehensive math review covering concepts tested on the GMAT Quantitative section Helpful tips to help you prepare for the GMAT exam Please note: There is no overlap between questions found in The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, 13th Edition, The Official Guide for GMAT® Quantitative Review, The Official Guide for GMAT® Verbal Review, and GMATPrep® software. The new practice questions in the 13th Edition replace 155 practice questions from the 12th Edition. The remaining questions overlap. *To use the Integrated Reasoning companion website, you must have one of the following browsers: Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer version 7 or higher.

The Official Guide for GMAT Review
Author: GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781118109793
Author: GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)
Brand: Brand: Wiley
Edition: 13
- Used Book in Good Condition
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 840
Release Date: 27-03-2012
Package Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.5 x 1.5 inches Languages: English