Heidi is the story of an orphan girl who changes the lives of everyone fortunate enough to know her.What makes these read-on-your-own books different than ones you’ll find elsewhere? modern American spelling a dictionary with vocabulary from the book vocabulary words underlined in the text occasional helps with explanations or pictures reading tips light editing for content (in some books) scanning errors removedThe Genesis Curriculum and the Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (EP) are 180 days of ready-to-go lessons for Christian homeschoolers. Quality books were chosen for the EP curriculum and put into readers along with the 180 days of assignments from the EP site. The Genesis Curriculum Rainbow Readers take these same books and separates them to stand alone from the online curriculum. The Genesis Curriculum was created to be used one-room schoolhouse style. The children are read the lessons and interact through discussions and activities. Find us online at genesiscurriculum.com.Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is an online curriculum and was created for children to use independently. It uses videos and games as part of the children's daily work. Find us online at allinonehomeschool.com.
Heidi: A Genesis Curriculum Rainbow Reader
Author: Spyri, Johanna
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781511758291
Author: Spyri, Johanna
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 183
Release Date: 14-05-2015
Package Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.4 inches Languages: English