What? You don't know what a Burgess is? -- You can't outline the Monroe Doctrine? -- Recall the 14th Amendment? -- Explain the difference between a sputnik and a beatnik? Then you need The Cartoon History of the United States to fill those gaps. From the first English colonies to the Gulf War and the S&L debacle, Larry Gonick spells it all out from his unique cartoon perspective.
![Cartoon History of the United States (Cartoon Guide Series)](http://www.omnibooks.me/cdn/shop/products/61QJXgOxE6L_391x500.jpg?v=1689731850)
Cartoon History of the United States (Cartoon Guide Series)
Author: Gonick, Larry
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780062730985
Author: Gonick, Larry
Brand: William Morrow & Company
Edition: Subsequent
Binding: Paperback
Format: Illustrated
Number Of Pages: 400
Release Date: 14-08-1991
Part Number: 9780062730985
Package Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.3 x 1.1 inches Languages: English