⭐️ The Expanded Collection for Understanding the ALL BOOKS OF ENOCH 1-2-3 and the Gospel of Peter, the Gospel of Thomas, the Secret Book of James and Egerton Papyrus 2. ⭐️ ❗️ Are you fascinated by the ancient texts and their hidden meanings? Do you want to learn more about the Books of Enoch and other Apocryphal writings? IF THAT’S YOUR CASE, THEN KEEP READING. Our Expanded Collection offers a deep dive into ALL Books of Enoch (1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, 3 Enoch), providing historical context on the ancient texts. In addition, we include other apocryphal writings, such as the Gospel of Peter, Thomas, the Secret Book of James, and Egerton Papyrus 2, which shed light on the beliefs and practices of early Christianity. ✔️✔️✔️ Here are the books you'll find inside: 1 ENOCH: An ancient Jewish text containing visions and teachings attributed to Enoch, an ancestor of Noah. 2 ENOCH: A Jewish pseudepigraphic text attributed to Enoch, which describes his ascension to heaven and the secrets he learned there. 3 ENOCH: A Hebrew text that tells the story of Enoch's ascent to heaven and his transformation into the angel Metatron. The Gospel of Peter: A non-canonical gospel that narrates the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and includes a detailed account of the Passion narrative. The Gospel of Thomas: A non-canonical gospel that contains sayings and teachings attributed to Jesus, believed by some to be older than the four canonical gospels. The Secret Book of James: A Gnostic text that presents secret teachings of Jesus to his brother James, including spiritual practices and revelations. Gospel of Unknown-Egerton Papyrus 2: A fragmentary papyrus manuscript that contains a non-canonical gospel, likely from the 2nd century, that tells the story of Jesus and his disciples. ⭐️ But that's not all - FOR A LIMITED TIME when you purchase our package, you'll also receive FOUR BONUS BOOKS (Follow the directions inside the book to download them): The Gospel of Judas: portrays Judas Iscariot as a hero who was chosen to betray Jesus as part of God's plan. The Gospel of Mary: features Mary Magdalene as a prominent disciple of Jesus, and contains teachings and dialogues between Jesus and his disciples. The Gospel of Philip: explores the relationship between Jesus and his disciples, particularly the intimate connection between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The Gospel of Truth: emphasizes the importance of inner knowledge and spiritual enlightenment, and portrays Jesus as a divine being who came to reveal the truth to humanity. DON'T MISS OUT on this opportunity to DEEPEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING of the ancient texts and their hidden meanings. With "The Books of Enoch Expanded Collection: 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, 3 Enoch - Including the Gospel of Peter, Thomas, the Secret Book of James and Egerton Papyrus 2" you'll gain a GREATER APPRECIATION for the complexity and significance of these ancient writings. THIS COLLECTION IS A MUST-HAVE for anyone interested in RELIGIOUS STUDIES, ANCIENT HISTORY, or SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION. And with the CONVENIENCE of having all these texts in ONE COMPREHENSIVE VOLUME, you'll have a VALUABLE RESOURCE. TAKE YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY TO THE NEXT LEVEL with "The Books of Enoch Expanded Collection." ORDER NOW and DISCOVER the TRANSFORMATIVE POWER of these ancient texts.
The Books of Enoch Expanded Collection: 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, 3 Enoch - Including the Gospel of Peter, Thomas, the Secret Book оf James and Egerton Papyrus 2.
Author: Biddle, Elia
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9798394122538
Author: Biddle, Elia
Binding: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 148
Release Date: 09-05-2023
Package Dimensions: 11.0 x 8.4 x 0.5 inches Languages: English