Hudson survived his perilous maiden voyage to his beloved China. With his heart set in determined obedience to God, and trusting the provision of the One who had called, Hudson overcame persecution and almost overwhelming personal losses to bring to bring God's truth to the ripe harvest fields of China. Today, Hudson Taylor's story continues to challenge and inspire believers young and old to carry the anchoring gospel message, regardless of personal trial or hardships, to those who are adrift and without hope. 5 CDs, 5:07 hours, read by Tim Gregory
Hudson Taylor Audiobook: Deep In the Heart of China (Christian Heroes
Author: Janet Benge
Binding: Audio CD
ISBN: 9781576587959
Author: Janet Benge
Brand: YWAM Publishing
Edition: Audio Heroes
Binding: Audio CD
Format: Audiobook
Release Date: 28-02-2014
Package Dimensions: 6.5 x 5.5 x 0.7 inches Languages: English