Based on a vignette in the classic Curious George Flies a Kite, this story features George finding a hutch of adorable bunnies. He thinks it would be so much fun to play hide-and-seek with one of the baby bunnies, so he lifts it from its cage, sets it on the ground, and closes his eyes. But—oh, no—the bunny runs off, and George can't find it anywhere! Luckily, Mother Bunny comes to the rescue. This board book with sturdy pages is perfect for little ones who love playing hide-and-seek. The classic artwork of H. A. Rey will make this a favorite to be read again and again.
Curious George and the Bunny
Author: Rey, H. A.
Binding: Other
ISBN: 9780544565685
Author: Rey, H. A.
Brand: HMH
Edition: Illustrated
Binding: Board book
Format: Illustrated
Number Of Pages: 24
Release Date: 12-01-2016
Part Number: Illustrated
Package Dimensions: 6.9 x 6.1 x 0.7 inches Languages: English