This holiday season, relive the beloved musical film The Muppet Christmas Carol—now an illustrated storybook! The classic holiday film The Muppet Christmas Carol comes to life in this illustrated storybook for kids. Narrated by The Great Gonzo as Charles Dickens, with help from his pal Rizzo the Rat, this fully illustrated children’s book retells the classic story of the beloved original film starring Michael Caine as Scrooge, Kermit the Frog as Bob Cratchit, and Miss Piggy as Mrs. Cratchit. In the Muppets’ version of Dickens’s timeless tale, Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter and mean old man, sees the error of his ways after meeting three strange ghosts—and a whole lot of Muppets—one snowy Christmas Eve. Featuring the entire Muppet cast, this is a hilarious and heartwarming story about the importance of spreading love and kindness throughout the whole year. A colorful storybook celebrating a funny and festive family favorite, it’s the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit year after year!
The Muppet Christmas Carol: The Illustrated Holiday Classic
Author: Vitale, Brooke
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781683838371
Author: Vitale, Brooke
Brand: Insight Kids
Edition: Illustrated
Binding: Hardcover
Format: Illustrated
Number Of Pages: 40
Release Date: 29-10-2019
Part Number: Illustrations, unspecified
Package Dimensions: 11.3 x 9.3 x 0.6 inches Languages: English