A true story about a boy who attended the abusive and corrupt Bethel Boys Academy! The story is captivating and heart breaking. At times it will make you laugh and at times you will cry! Many Magazines and TV programs have reported on this school including BARBARA WALTERS in 20/20. Author Allen Knoll tells his captivating story of surviving an incredibly abusive school that hid behind religion. He walks you through his experience and it's as if you are at the school itself. Allen Knoll was just 10 years old! You can feel every emotion as you read through this incredible story! From cattle prod and pitbull attacks to brutal beatings, Allen tells all he went through at the infamous Bethel Boys Academy!
SURVIVING BETHEL: a true story of surviving torture and abuse
Author: Knoll, Allen
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781729261798
Author: Knoll, Allen
Brand: Independently Published
Binding: Paperback
Format: Large Print
Number Of Pages: 142
Release Date: 25-10-2018
Package Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.1 x 0.3 inches Languages: English