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Younger Next Year for Women: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy - Until You're 80 and Beyond

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Author: Crowley, Chris

Binding: Paperback

ISBN: 019628147745


Author: Crowley, Chris

Brand: Crowley, Chris/ Lodge, Henry S.

Edition: Reprint

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 446

Release Date: 10-10-2007

Part Number: 9780761147749

EAN: 0783324850703

Package Dimensions: 7.9 x 5.3 x 1.2 inches

Languages: English


Co-written by one of the country's most prominent internists, Dr. Henry "Harry" Lodge, and his star patient, the 73-year-old Chris Crowley, Younger Next Year for Women is a book of hope, a guide to aging without fear or anxiety. This is a book of hope, a guide to aging without fear or anxiety. Using the same inspired structure of alternating voices, Chris and Harry have recast material specifically for women, who already live longer and take better care of themselves than men. New material covers menopause and post-menopause, as well as cardiac disease, osteoporosis, sexuality, and more. This is the book that can show us how to turn back our biological clocks—how to put off 70% of the normal problems of aging (weakness, sore joints, bad balance) and eliminate 50% of serious illness and injury. The key to the program is found in Harry's Rules: Exercise six days a week. Don't eat crap. Connect and commit to others. There are seven rules all together, based on the latest findings in cell physiology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, and experimental psychology. Dr. Lodge explains how and why they work—and Chris Crowley, who is living proof of their effectiveness (skiing better today, for example, than he did twenty years ago), gives the just-as-essential motivation.Both men and women can become functionally younger every year for the next five to ten years, then continue to live with newfound vitality and pleasure deep into our 80s and beyond.

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