Before the Baudelaires became orphans, before he encountered A Series of Unfortunate Events, even before the invention of Netflix, Lemony Snicket was a boy discovering the mysteries of the world. In a fading town, far from anyone he knew or trusted, a young Lemony Snicket began his apprenticeship in an organization nobody knows about. He started by asking questions that shouldn't have been on his mind. Now he has written an account that should not be published, in four volumes that shouldn't be read. This is the first volume.

"Who Could That Be at This Hour?" (All the Wrong Questions, 1)
Author: Snicket, Lemony
Binding: Audio CD
ISBN: 9781478902775
Author: Snicket, Lemony
Brand: Little, Brown Young Readers
Edition: Unabridged
Binding: Audio CD
Format: Unabridged
Release Date: 17-06-2014
Part Number: 40516117
Package Dimensions: 6.0 x 5.4 x 0.9 inches Languages: English